2D Class Week 10 Film - Alien

This week we watched Alien. Unfortunately, I wasn't there for the showing but I've seen the movie numerous times and I own it as it's one of my favorite movies.

My answers to the questions:

1. Who was the director of this film? What other movies has he produced?
Once again this is good ol' Ridley Scott, coming at you with another fantastic film and the GREATEST Science Fiction Horror movie to currently exist. Now don't get me wrong, I love The Thing, but Alien is just too good. I've already said what movies he's worked on before, but for a concise list: Blade Runner, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, Kingdom of Heaven and he's currently been working on the prequel films to Alien (which are kinda garbage but I remain optimistic)

2. Artistically, what did you like about this film?
One of my favorite things about Alien is how suffocating the areas on the ship can feel and how much they convey that there's no escape in the isolation of space. There's this great use of circular hallways and rooms that only go so high that inspire this fear (and usually happen in the lower levels of the ship). There are also rooms that are clean and open and typically the scenes you'll see happening there are the crew being friendly and enjoying themselves to inspire a since of security. What's cool is how Ridley Scott squashes this security with taking the safe environment and having the Alien pop out of John Hurt's chest, creating a shocking moment for the audience. Another thing I love is the grungy Sci Fi look. Think, for instance, what kind of environments make you think of the future and you'll normally think of sleek edges and clean architecture but I've always loved the complete opposite with hanging wires and dank lighting and smoke. There's great lighting used in this film, where shadows and silhouetting can be used very strongly. Artistically there's really nothing I don't love.

3. What is the name of Ripley's cat?
Jonesy, according to Brett before he dies.


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